SSL AV Events: EEE 2022
Supplying the sound, lighting, large screen and production for the amazing #MikeNova and #JuanLozano Beatles Tribute.

SSL AV Events: Jason Leonard Annual Dinner 2022
Another behind the scenes pic of the control zone for the SSL Audio Visual team!.

SSL AV Events: Jason Leonard Dinner 2022
Supplying all sound, lighting, engineering and production.

SSL AV Events: English Elvis Experience 2022
A behind the scenes look at the control zone for SSL Audio Visual.

SSL Events: English Elvis Experience 2022 - Diogo Light
We supplied all sound, engineering, lighting and Large LED Screen and content.

SSL AV Event: Brookwood Military Memorial.
Supplying all audio for Brookwood Military Memorial event.

SSL AV Events: Supplying all sound and engineering for Bon Giovi Band June 2022
SSL AV Events: Backstage for Bon Giovi Band Melksham Wiltshire June 2022

SSL Recent Events
SSL supplying sound, lighting, sound engineer and lighting engineer for another local School Event.​